Campfire Chronicles

Rocky Fork Ranch Resort Hero

We are so excited to bring you the March newsletter filled with stories, pictures, helpful tips, and so much more. Travel Resorts of America wants to put you first, making sure you’re up to date on all of the awesome things going on at our resorts. We look  forward to sharing some of our favorite parts of our resorts with our amazing members. This is also a chance for you, one of our incredible members to engage with TRA. We will announce contests, member spotlights, and plenty more. Look out for our newsletter every month in your inbox!

Rocky F0rk Ranch March 2021 Updates

Ahhhh, March is a welcome sight in these parts. Why do you ask? It gets us closer to camping season and seeing you all enjoying fireside gatherings, food, and fun!  Winter has been a challenge this year, but we survived and now we are looking forward to Spring and all the joy it brings!   

We have accomplished some important tasks recently and so I thought I would bring you up to speed. We finished the pool upgrades I wrote about last month. We worked on the hot tub to find a major leak and added some new drain covers and repainted the hot tub. We also replaced some water filters to ensure you have the best water quality while visiting the ranch. Sometimes you do not always see the improvements, but this was important, and we knew it was the right project to get done this winter. We also completed a Red Cross CPR & first aid training for many of our staff members.  

One project Simeon has been busy with is finishing up the Nature Center and taking care of all our critters. How many remember the hot summer day of waiting in line for hours to see the Nature Center? The new floor, Mr. Tree built by one of our members, new décor, new doors to allow even more light inside? These are just a few of the highlights of what Lo and Simeon accomplished last year. You all have expressed that It is a wonderful place to learn and engage with nature. So please, enjoy a trip down memory lane and some new additions to our Nature Center affectionately known as “the Crows Nest”.  

We also have a lot of fish and we are planning on getting some turtles to put in the little pond again this year.  

We are in the process of updating our planetarium so you will be able to see the night sky without it being nighttime. We are excited to open for the year and we are planning some super cool outdoor education activities that will make being out in nature even more fun. 

Sharrie Yarber, Resort Operations Manager 

Below are a few fun facts about our shining stars that call the nature center home!

Shining Stars at our Nature Center

gertie rotated

Gertie the Garter Snake

This will be her third year with us. She loves to eat frogs and worms. You will find snakes like her all around the resort, but they are not dangerous. They will most likely hide if you come across one.


Rex the Bearded Dragon

He was donated to the nature center last year so this will be his second year with us. He likes to eat crickets, celery, and grapes. He enjoys meeting new people and is very friendly.

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Curly the Hairy Tarantula

He is new to the Ranch this year and we are so happy to have him. He likes to eat crickets. He is a little shy, but we are hoping to get him cozied up enough that if you are brave you will be able to hold him.

Mr. Tree at rocky fork ranch resort

Mr. Tree

The new floor, Mr. Tree built by one of our members, new décor, new doors to allow even more light inside? These are just a few of the highlights of what Lo and Simeon accomplished last year.


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