Campfire Chronicles

LSR Hero

We are so excited to bring you the June newsletter filled with stories, pictures, helpful tips, and so much more. Travel Resorts of America wants to put you first, making sure you’re up to date on all of the awesome things going on at our resorts. We look  forward to sharing some of our favorite parts of our resorts with our amazing members. This is also a chance for you, one of our incredible members to engage with TRA. We will announce contests, member spotlights, and plenty more. Look out for our newsletter every month in your inbox!

Luna Sands Resort June 2021 Update

Hello Luna Sands Campers!

Your Luna Sands Resort has settled into a busy summer.  Even though it’s quiet during the summer months, it’s a time when we get to catch up and work on projects that we don’ have time for in the winter months.  During May we were able to complete upgrades on site 102, cleaned out our work garage, and repainted our chairs at the TIKI Bar at the front.   We also stained the deck at the pool which made the entire pool area look so much nicer.  Although we have had some rain, the water table has dropped from the winter months.  The RV storage area has finally dried up, but we expect that the rains will begin soon for the rest of the summer. 

We have several campsites that are scheduled for repairs over the summer, and in the month of June specifically, construction through our wooded area will occur.  The main sewer line from the RV storage area back to our lift station behind campsite 112 is being installed. Regulars are going to know exactly where that area is. 

During the summer months, organized activities are not planned.  You can wake up each morning with freshly brewed coffee at the clubhouse and also each Saturday there is an Ice cream social at 2 pm.  Kelly has a special Father’s Day craft class planned for June 19th at 11 am for all the children on the resort.  No need to sign up unless you’ll have more than 4 children attending.  Please download campersAPP onto your smartphones to keep up with newly added activities.  We will add a cookout for July 4th.  When we add activities to CampersAPP, two things happen.  15 minutes prior to activities beginning you’ll get a notification that an activity is going to start.  Most importantly, you can check the activities at any time to see if any activities have been added, or what’s currently already scheduled.  To stop getting the notification, simply “exit the park”.  Ask Lewis, Kelly, or Dusty for explanations about CampersAPP.

Thanks for the great pictures of the owls, Mr. Wise; Our resident photographer.  Mr. Wise has been taking photos of our wildlife now for over a year.  This picture is a great shot of our 2 owls that have made their home at LSR.  You can find them behind the sales office in the wooded area, or in this case, he shot these when they flew to his campsite for a visit. 

If you’d like to see more of his spectacular photos, look on Facebook at our WILDLIFE album. 

Everyone, have a great June.  Come see us.

Barred Owls at Luna Sands Resort DSC 7152


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