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Sycamore Lodge Resort, January 2022

Hello Campers!!!! 


Happy 2022! All of us at Sycamore Lodge want to wish and hope this year will be the best year yet. We hope the memories are amazing and cannot wait to see the smiles and hear the laughter from everyone. What better way to open this new year with newly sewered sites! Not only that, but we also have new pads and new bigger spaces on these RV spots! You know you will want to scoop those up.

And on too …… wait did you see that? The store has sales! I cannot say what but y’all will not want to miss out! The ladies behind the counter will check for your size if don’t see it hanging.

2021 Christmas Cookies 2

These grounds and maintenance personnel have been hustling and are in full throttle with cleaning up and doing prep work for the big project board. Clean-up has continued for the outdoor movie theater in anticipation for a big event. What kind of event? You’ll just have to wait and see! This will take us into the New year and new activities! Bob is working hard prepping for this gorgeous year ahead and will be posting his new schedule soon for 2022.  Trust me when I say this will be the place to come in the season for awesome things to do.

Notes from management:  

As we slow down ending the busy season, please remember the speed limit 5 mph with your vehicles.

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