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Wally World Riverside Resort, January 2022

Happy Holidays!

We have certainly been enjoying these 50+ weather days. Picking up branches while walking the park, just enjoying so time outside.

The biggest news I must report is that the sewer project will begin in the next few days. How exciting is this. This first phase will incudes all the construction of the lift station, putting in all the manholes and main lines. The shower house, dump station, outer restrooms, the 5 full hookups and the cabins will be connected. The next phase will be to start running laterals and connecting campsites. Please be aware when you come camping in the spring there will not be any additional full hook sites. This is a process, and this first phase is big one.
With that being said, the staff here at Wally World wishes each and everyone of you a wonderful Holiday Season!

Barb McClintock

Resort Operations Manager

Wally World Riverside Resort

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